Strategies and Ecosystem Transformations in the Internet of Everything in Malaysia
Subject Areas : Special
Seyed Omid Azarkasb
Seyed Hossein Khasteh
1 - * Visiting professor and PhD student of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Internet of Everything (IoE), Internet of Things (IoT), Malaysia, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Development,
Abstract :
In the digital era, the Internet of Everything (IoE) technology has rapidly become a cornerstone of technological and economic development. Malaysia, as one of the leading and developing countries in Southeast Asia, has examined its preparedness, opportunities, and challenges for adopting and developing this technology through the formulation of its IoT roadmap. Undoubtedly, the IoT roadmap in Malaysia is one of the most comprehensive documents in the study of macro-level Internet of Everything plans. This roadmap provides an analysis of Malaysia's current and future position in the IoT domain, including infrastructure, data and information, security, ecosystem, and talent, followed by a gap analysis. Studies show that the adoption of the next generation of information and communication technology in Malaysia has paved the way for the development of the IoE, outlined opportunities for economic innovation, and facilitated the commercialization of research outcomes by research organizations. The roadmap also emphasizes the importance of balancing development and security in this field, stating that with progress in this domain, Malaysia can emerge as a top hub and regional focal point for IoE development. The younger generation in Malaysia is highly interested in IoE, and they are not only consumers but also creative developers of this technology. This paper highlights Malaysia's recognition as a global pioneer in the IoE technology sector. The country has become a frontrunner in this field through advancements in infrastructure, increased domestic sales and exports, the development of services and platforms, emphasis on innovation, the importance of human resources, and, most importantly, the formulation of a comprehensive and complete IoT roadmap. Malaysia has benefited in two major ways: by deriving new value from technological innovation and gaining a competitive advantage and market share over governments unable to adapt and invest in the IoE market
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