A Comprehensive Model for Evaluation and Selection of Construction Projects
Nezhad Jahani
PhD student in civil engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
Heresh Soltanpanah
Associate Professor, Department of Industries, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
Keywords: Management, Optimal Management, Portfolio Management, Urban Projects, Construction Projects,
Abstract :
In today's era, many project-oriented organizations, driven by the necessity of establishing meaningful connections between strategies, plans, and projects, and aiming to maximize the productivity of their plans and projects, have shifted their approach from project-centric to portfolio management. In this study, the criteria influencing the selection of an optimal portfolio of construction projects were examined using a qualitative method. Based on library and documentary studies and related standards, several indicators were identified, and their impact was assessed through grounded theory methodology using three-stage coding. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with a selected statistical population of experts and managers in technical and construction fields, as well as contractors and project implementers. The priority and impact of various elements were analyzed. Ultimately, multiple indicators were extracted. The results revealed that the twelve main criteria influencing the optimal selection of construction projects are: 1) Quality, 2) Timeliness, 3) Resilience, 4) Efficiency and Effectiveness, 5) Accountability, 6) Purposefulness, 7) Achievability of Goals, 8) Budget, 9) Scheduling, 10) Access to Material Supply, 11) Detailed Documentation, and 12) Parallel Performance. In the final step, the Kappa index was used to evaluate the agreement between the coding performed by the researcher and the experts. In this study, the extracted codes reached theoretical saturation after fourteen interviews. Finally, considering the qualitative and practical nature of the research, and leveraging the researcher’s scientific understanding and extensive practical experience in both technical and managerial aspects of project-oriented organizations, as well as the extracted indicators, a conceptual model was proposed for the optimal design and management of construction project portfolios in project-oriented organizations in the country.
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