Develop a strategic model for the relationship between the university and "industry" with the aim of attracting students
Subject Areas : General
Mahdi Bahardoost
fariba hanifi
hasan shahrakipor
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Hadishahr Branch, East Azerbaijan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Student recruitment policies, University, Industry,
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to develop a strategic model for the relationship between university and "industry" with the aim of attracting students.The research method was heuristic. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes three20people from three groups1) industrial experts; As a representative of the industry sector;2)Managers and experts of the Ministry of Industry, as representatives of the public sector and policy-making;3)Heads of universities and vice chancellors and members of the Planning Council of Free Universities, members of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution who have richer experiences and information in the field of university-industry relations.The sampling approach was purposeful and the sampling method was key experts.The research tool was a semi-structured in-depth interview.In the qualitative part and in the first part,the extraction of data and components is based on the coding method and data method of the foundation.Then,interviews with experts and a questionnaire have been used to construct the research model.The model extracted from the analysis of research findings was designed in the form of seven main dimensions,and thirty-five criteria.The seven main dimensions are:"internal and external factors","external and external factors","policy-making and redesign","academic promotion","legal contexts","fundamental changes","institutionalization"in the quantitative part of the descriptive research method-Budo survey The statistical population includes31people including Azad University professors,Azad University presidents and activists in the field of industry,management and student recruitment issues who have been employed in different parts of the organization in the academic year 1398-1399 in accordance with the rules of formal,contract,and formal recruitment.The model was selected using purposive sampling approach and the method of key experts.The instrument used in the quantitative section was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the qualitative section content network.
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