• naderi.alireza Designing a Safety Development Management System in a Maritime in a Development [ Vol.7, Issue 25 , 26 - Autumn - Winter Year 1393]
  • Naghizade.Reza Presenting a conceptual framework for the development of the technological capability of technological universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 49 , 50 - Autumn - Winter Year 1399]
  • nategh.tahmine The effect of intellectual capital on a brand value of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [ Vol.9, Issue 31 , 32 - Spring - Summer Year 1395]
  • nave ebrahim.abdolrahim World-Class University: An exploration of Concepts, Approaches and Strategies [ Vol.10, Issue 35 , 36 - Spring - Summer Year 1396]
  • Nazari.Abdollah Identifying the Effective Factors on the Equalization of Premium Rates Received in Line with the policy of managing resources, expenses and Financial Reserves of the Social Security Organization (General Administration of Cities of Tehran Province) [ Vol.15, Issue 57 , 58 - Autumn - Winter Year 1401]
  • Nazari.Masoomeh The Impact of Economic Indicators on The Development of The Rural Tourism Industry in Rudbar Qasran [ Vol.15, Issue 55 , 56 - Spring - Summer Year 1401]
  • negahdari.babak An Analysis of the Effectiveness of National Measures Taken in the Field of University-Industry Cooperation; Identify, Prioritize and Provide Solutions for Excellence [ Vol.14, Issue 53 , 54 - Autumn - Winter Year 1400]
  • Nejadian.Mohammadali "An investigation into the factor that influences entrepreneurship education and enhances entrepreneurial intentions among Iranian students." [ Vol.14, Issue 51 , 52 - Spring - Summer Year 1400]
  • Nickray.Mohsen Routing for a Network of Drones with the Aim of Search and Rescue [ Vol.15, Issue 57 , 58 - Autumn - Winter Year 1401]
  • nikpor.maryam A new approach to IoT-based disease diagnosis using genetic algorithms and various classifiers [ Vol.14, Issue 53 , 54 - Autumn - Winter Year 1400]
  • nikpor.maryam A new approach to IoT-based disease diagnosis using genetic algorithms and various classifiers [ Vol.14, Issue 53 , 54 - Autumn - Winter Year 1400]
  • Nikpour.Amin Investiating the impact of organizational empowerment on innovative performance with the mediating role of employee’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment [ Vol.9, Issue 33 , 34 - Autumn - Winter Year 1395]
  • niky esfahlan.hakimeh identifying the obstcales of knowledge based spinoff companies in Islamic Azad University [ Vol.13, Issue 47 , 48 - Spring - Summer Year 1399]
  • niky esfahlan.hakimeh Designing a model for accepting digital currencies in intercompany e-commerce under international sanctions [ Vol.14, Issue 51 , 52 - Spring - Summer Year 1400]
  • noori.mina Study of research cooperation between commission member institutions and the selected universities in the years 1389 and 1390 (Based on analysis of data recorded in the Research Information Management System (Semat)) [ Vol.6, Issue 19 , 20 - Spring - Summer Year 1392]
  • nosoudi.nasim [ Vol.1, Issue 1 , 2 - Autumn Year 1387]
  • Nourmohammadi.Hamzehali Comparative impact measurement of polytechnics on industry and technology a Bibliometrics study [ Vol.8, Issue 27 , 28 - Spring - Summer Year 1394]